Sunday, January 16, 2011

Advice at One Year--Chew Your Food, Don't Be Wude

LOA: 64"
Beam: 11"
Gross Tonnage: 85.2 lbs.
Draft: 29"

On the 13th Bali celebrated his first birthday! . . . at the kennel, while we were in Mexico. He wouldn't have liked Mexico anyway.

But he was certainly glad to see us. If you listen closely, you can hear him actually whimper with excitement shortly before he nearly broke my fingers as I struggled with his leash and collar.

Actually, we did make it back in time for his birthday and he really had a good one. Here he celebrates with one of his biggest weaknesses--his Kong filled with frozen peanut butter!

And another weakness--a Bully Stick! (and for those in the know, you KNOW what that is)

Other than that, things on this end are status quo antebellum.

Walks along the trail . . .

Evidence of various crimes . . .

This is why we have to keep the toilet seat closed (that's a chew toy)

Sometimes listening attentively . . .

Sometimes just chillin' . . .

And generally trying to deal with the snow. Luckily, he's snow-proof!
But Chew Your Food!

And Don't be Wude!