Monday, April 19, 2010

A Problem With Puppy Speak

After Bali's first real trail hike, I succumbed to "Puppy Speak." I said, "him so tired, him feet hurt." Now, I realize that nobody--and I mean NOBODY--wants to hear Puppy Speak. It's almost as bad as people talking to their real human babies in "Baby Speak," as in "do ew habo go poopy poopy?" (which I ask Bali several times each day). But I'm trying to keep it in check.
Anyway, we had a great hike and he instinctively stays right with us even without the leash. He's very concerned about keeping the pack together.

We're making great progress, but where's mom? Why is she so far behind? "Why is Mommy Mommy so faw behind. Her too slow." Sorry . . .

Bali is a natural car passenger. This is the first thing we've discovered that he's actually better at than Gorda was. He sits there and chills.

He just looks out the window at the big, big world.

Here, Bali smells lilacs, one of Kel's favorite flowers. Afterwards, he ate them.

See Bali on the trail and our new dandelion removal system.


  1. Bali is SO cute and SO adorable. Its a joy watching Bali learn and grow. Thank you! :-)

  2. It's a good thing I'm too far away to hear you gab on in nonsense speak, D. And you think a kid transforms a couple!

  3. Wait, Bali just sits in the car? Without puking? Come to think of it, Loretta can do that too, as long as we don't make turns over 2 mph. Anything faster than that and Loretta gets to enjoy her breakfast a second time. We call it "le repeat dejeuner".

    And keep up the puppy speak! It's a good coping mechanism for us humans.
