Sunday, July 21, 2013

Summer 2013

We call them the "odd couple."  The new one is Picchu (named after Machu Picchu).  But he goes by other names including Peach, Peachie, Rare Nappy-Headed Cuy (pronounced kew-wee), Kew, Muffin Head, Muffin Top, Ewok, Monkey See Monkey Do, Dirty Snowball, Sausage, Peach Fuzz, Peach Butt, and Frenchie.
He has a lot of names.
"Cuy" is the Latin American term for a Guinea Pig, which is eaten.
They leave distinctive tracks.
This sort of thing is common around here.
A little happiness near the end.
Sandy dogs at Sand Bay.  Sand everywhere.  We even sprinkled sand on Butch's coffin.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Summer Pictures from 2012

Bali at 110 lbs!

Bali resting on the trail hike

We love the 'rake'

Bali meets Archie at the dog park
Kel taking a nap with all of her boys

Bali in Canada - no passport required

He loves his Sand Bay girl possie!

The Sand Bay Family Photo 2012

The Denissen Clan

Bali is bigger than Carol Lynn - and a naughty boy!

Bali meets Pierre in Indianapolis

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Bali turns two!

Bali and his two new brothers, Maui and Tobago.

It's true . . . there really is a Big Foot.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

15 Months and Little to No Progress

LOA: 64"
Beam: 12"
Gross Tonnage: 88 lbs.
Draft: 29"

It's finally Bali's second spring and we're all looking forward to it. Of course, before we know it the temperatures will be too high for the big, black monster. He's not built for heat or water. He prefers the conditions of his ancestral homeland (snowy slopes).
And there isn't much evidence that he's maturing on any level except, of course, for size. Here he is in March of last year . . .

And here he is, with the same daffodils, in April of this year . . .

On other fronts, like in Afghanistan, the casualties continue to mount. Here's a group shot of recent victims.

The poor frog lost one of his eyes . . .

Other images capture some (but not all) of the recent shenanigans . . .
These used to be receipts.

Chillin' on the deck . . .

Whose head is bigger . . .??


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Advice at One Year--Chew Your Food, Don't Be Wude

LOA: 64"
Beam: 11"
Gross Tonnage: 85.2 lbs.
Draft: 29"

On the 13th Bali celebrated his first birthday! . . . at the kennel, while we were in Mexico. He wouldn't have liked Mexico anyway.

But he was certainly glad to see us. If you listen closely, you can hear him actually whimper with excitement shortly before he nearly broke my fingers as I struggled with his leash and collar.

Actually, we did make it back in time for his birthday and he really had a good one. Here he celebrates with one of his biggest weaknesses--his Kong filled with frozen peanut butter!

And another weakness--a Bully Stick! (and for those in the know, you KNOW what that is)

Other than that, things on this end are status quo antebellum.

Walks along the trail . . .

Evidence of various crimes . . .

This is why we have to keep the toilet seat closed (that's a chew toy)

Sometimes listening attentively . . .

Sometimes just chillin' . . .

And generally trying to deal with the snow. Luckily, he's snow-proof!
But Chew Your Food!

And Don't be Wude!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Another Turkey Day With a Young Boy and an Old Girl

Turkey Day was overcast and drizzly. But we still had a good hike. Here Bali actually looks towards the camera for this portrait.

The life of leisure for a dog.

And more leisure.

And more leisure. Meanwhile, Calypso still refuses to come downstairs. We don't think they'll ever reconcile at this point. She's just too old and he's just too much of a . . . um . . . bonehead.

We raked leaves last weekend and he was a big help.

A really, really big help . . .

Bali tries to "eat" the airflow as we're blowing leaves off the deck.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Somewhere Between Nine and Ten Months

We've verified recently that Berners remain puppies for about two years. That means that we have roughly 14 months to go. I guess we didn't really realize this during our "research period." Now, most of our neighbors remind us that, "oh, sure, a lot of the larger breeds are slow to mature," suggesting that this was common knowledge. Why didn't they speak up earlier, during the "research period?"
Anyway, we've learned a few things over the past couple months. First, Bali is a natural climber. His humongous paws and pads negotiate even the most splintered and unsteady of woodpiles. This one is nothing . . .

We've learned that he's a consummate goofball (actually, we already knew that). Here he rests his oversized head on his nose, causing his front teeth to be exposed and causing about the most ridiculous look you can imagine.

We've learned that he's a natural camper (which is what we had hoped)! We set up camp in the back yard and Bali took it all in stride. He slept in the tent and didn't destroy anything.

Of course, he's a natural hiker . . .

Here Bali attempts to "hunt" squirrels.

But, we've learned that he's most adept at catching plastic bottles.

And here is evidence of Bali learning "place."

This was a bad day. He consumed part of a remote AND Kel's glasses.

This was our Saturday routine all summer. After school, we head to Muth's Farm for our CSA veggies. This is Bali's friend, Pushkin (he's the small dog). Notice the hot wheels in the background (the '70 Mustang, not the '04 Element).

But it's good enough for him . .

We've learned that he has no natural fear of 22-ton hydraulic wood splitters.

More exhibits . . .

He wants to help, the poor kid just doesn't know how to . . .

No thanks to him . . .