Saturday, July 24, 2010

6 1/2 Months

LOA: 59"
Beam: 9"
Gross Tonnage: 70 lbs.
Draft: 25"

Bali has a "sloppy sit" above, but it was 100 degrees. He just came out for the shot and then went right back into the AC.

Bali has new digs! Yes, at 6 1/2 months, he's outgrown Gorda's crate.
Kel fits in there too . . .
Suddenly, this image is making me very nervous.

A podiatric comparison.

Bali gets into it with some Pit Bulls at his first (and only) socialization class.
He doesn't need it. He came pre-socialized. He was the best in the class.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Home to a 60 Pound Monster

LOA: 56"
Beam: 9"
Gross Tonnage: 60 lbs.
Draft: 25"

Bali is on his way to "summer camp." They said he did "fine." We don't believe them.

Bali is back home, much bigger and very excited to be back (although he doesn't look like it here).

He'll get at least twice this size. We're not sure what we've gotten ourselves into.