Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Week Away From Eight Months

LOA: 63"
Beam: 10"
Gross Tonnage: 80 lbs.
Draft: 25"

Bali is getting older, but also naughtier. He's destroyed my Birkenstocks and took a good piece out of Kel's. He's chewed and swallowed plastic "chew keys," multiple leaves, and at least one electrical cord. Luckily, it wasn't plugged in. He's a puppy caught inside a big dog's body.

Here's Kel attempting to weigh his massiveness. Our readings are only rough estimates because the scale measure jumps wildly. All we really know is that he's big.

Like Gorda, he loves to rest his massive head on anything.

Exhibit C (we think, but we've lost track).

Exhibit D. Bali wanted to leave his mark on Amy and Jaysin's anniversary card. We mailed it anyway.

A comparison in head sizes. Look who's bigger. Cabeza Grande!

Bali is the only one to use the hammock all summer. He loves to climb on anything.