Saturday, May 8, 2010

Exhibit B

There's irony in this story. Below you'll see what was a Balinese offering that we kept on the dashboard of the Saturn (BTV) that was eaten by a dog named Bali. The little basket was actually from Bali (the country, not the dog). We're hoping our luck doesn't turn sour.

Today was Bali's second day of school. He worked on "come," "sit," "off," "place," and "break." He's a very quick learner and everybody comments on it. Here he looks longingly at the class for more advanced dogs.

On the way home he crashed hard. He was hot and tired . . .

This is his favorite place to hang out when he's not in his crate--the tiles are cool.

These are not tattoos nor the result of a magic marker--they're the real thing. Have you ever seen anything like it?


  1. Great pictures. I love the one of him gazing at the 'more advanced students' from afar. Sorry about the fate of the Balinese offering! He must have mistaken it for a chew toy. :)

  2. I remember when Malcolm (our Cramer St. mutt) chewed one of my nifty pink pumps that I’d worn for my nuptials (such as they were) with your dad. Was that an omen?! Nope, just another reminder that it’s only stuff that we imbue with sentiment. (Remind me of that when you get here! Hehe.)
