Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Growing Boy (in reverse)

A Reverse Chronology of Bali the Berner (because we don't know how to use this damn thing) and, soon, the crescendo of his nine-week portrait!

Bali at six weeks (looking, I don't know, hung-over).

Bali at four weeks (very serious, if a little off-kilter).

Bali at three weeks (I can barely f@cking stand).

Bali at two weeks (I can't stand).

Bali at six days (Christ, I'm a Guinea Pig).


  1. I love the six week shot. He has a look that says "These guys don't know WHAT they're in for..."

  2. I agree. Actually, I think he looks mad at 6 weeks. Maybe it's the pink carpeting.
