Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Terrible Ten Weeks

LOA: 34"
Beam: 8.5"
Gross Tonnage: 17.2 lbs.
Draft: 15"

Please note that these dimensions are not obtained in an easy way. And their accuracy is probably dubious. Bali does not cooperate with the measuring and weigh-in. He bites at the measuring tape and attempts to eat the scale. It doesn't matter if it's metal, plastic, wood, or glass, he wants it in his mouth. Although we could never have imagined it, he's even naughtier at ten weeks than he was at nine.

Here's his ten-week portrait. He's a pretty good poser, if you get lucky enough to catch him at the right moment.

Here he is in his crate displaying his massive front paws. They're already over three inches wide. And his little claws scratch and his little teeth puncture.

After he inhales his breakfast, and guzzles his water, he goes outside to "eliminate" (the polite term for taking a leakski and a dooker). When he's done, he comes back to the center door to the deck and waits. I try to keep him out there for as long as possible - even in the rain. He's a mountain dog, he can handle it.

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